Published January 11, 2008 12:48 am –
GROVES — It may be okay to tweak the number of concession stands or use colored concrete block where brick was planned, but Indian football guardians know what they need to make fans happy.
Port Neches-Groves Independent School District board members voted Thursday at a called meeting to award a more than $9 million contract to H.B. Neild & Sons to build a shiny new football stadium for Port Neches-Groves High School Indians.
Construction could begin Tuesday, Jan. 15, as soon as insurance is in place, Neild said at the meeting. With an aggressive, weather-permitting schedule, the stadium should be game-ready by Sept. 19, 2008, with final completion by Oct. 1.
Architect J. Luis DelValle gave a power point presentation recapping how the project, which had been about $4.5 million over budget, had been revised through a team of board members and others working through the holidays. The project is now just a few hundred thousand dollars over budget, and this amount could be offset through a contingency fund and through interest on bond funds, board members discussed.
DelValle said board members were clear on what could not be changed to keep the project in a reasonable budget. The number of seating, a quality track and synthetic turf were included as must-have points. Money-saving changes such as fewer concession stand points, chain-link instead of ornamental fencing and a two-story instead of three-story press box will be incorporated in the new plan.
Matt Burnett, coach addressed council about his excitement over the synthetic field grass which he called “the Cadillac” of choices.
“The big dogs have it. We’re fixing to get something that’s really top notch. We’ve studied it intensely,” Burnett said.
The total project is based on a guaranteed maximum price not to exceed an amount of $9,693,671.
Board President Abby Deaton thanked DelValle and the research team for their efforts.
“I feel like you’re putting into the stadium what the district wanted. This is for the students and they deserve the very best,” she said.